© G.E.D.A. S.p.A. Via Zara, 7 – 50129 FIRENZE – Telephone +39 – Fax +39
Registro Imprese Firenze e Codice Fiscale 04120220480 – Partita IVA (VAT) IT04120220480
E-mail: mail@geda.aero – Capitale Sociale € 500.000,00 i.v.
Since its foundation G.E.D.A.’s staff is synonymous with competence, professionalism and confidentiality.
Each single appointed staff member represents the highest professional level in each specific field with over a ten-year experience.
To ensure high performance and high quality standards of the services to be provided G.E.D.A. is committed to a continuous updating of its human resources through specific courses and on-the-job-training for the new recruits working alongside the experienced operative units.